The Democratic Debate 5th Edition Miroff
With the compelling historic tension between elite and popular models of democracy as a framework, THE DEMOCRATIC DEBATE offers an innovative and incisive examination of American democracy. From the anti-federalists to contemporary political and social movements, special attention is given to people whose inspirational actions have made--and are making--a difference. Recent events, including the government’s response to the financial crisis, Supreme Court decisions on campaign finance and health care, the dramatic appearance of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, and the 2012 presidential election, demonstrate contemporary relevance for this critical perspective on how best to study politics. Bruce Miroff earned his Ph.D. At the University of California, Berkeley.
He teaches and writes in the areas of the presidency, American political theory, and American political development. He is the author of PRAGMATIC ILLUSIONS: THE PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS OF JOHN F. KENNEDY; ICONS OF DEMOCRACY: AMERICAN LEADERS AS HEROES, ARISTOCRATS, DISSENTERS, AND DEMOCRATS; and THE LIBERALS’ MOMENT: THE MCGOVERN INSURGENCY AND THE IDENTITY CRISIS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. He regularly teaches an introductory lecture course on American Government and has received a teaching excellence award from SUNY Albany, where he is currently a professor.
Raymond Seidelman, Sarah Lawrence College. The newest coauthor replacing Raymond Seidelman, Tom De Luca earned his Ph.D at University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1983. He is a Professor of Political Science at Fordham University, where he specializes in Democratic Theory and American Politics, and is the Director of both the International Studies Program and the Sino-American Seminar on Politics and Law. He has held four Fulbrights, been made Honorary Professor of Political Science at China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, and is the author or co-author of three books.
Democratic Debate: American Politics. Economic and Social Policy: The Democratic Connections. Fifth Edition, combines extensive information on video. The Democratic Debate: American Politics in an Age of Change 5th (fifth) Edition by Miroff, Bruce, Seidelman, Raymond, Swanstrom, Todd, De Luca, (2009): Books.
• “Making a Difference” spotlights people whose actions demonstrate how individuals can make a difference in democracy, helping students put content into context. • Updated political events coverage challenges students to think critically about current events, encourages class participation, and adds relevancy to the material students are studying. • “Op-Ed” features offer students the opportunity to reflect on the stances prominent writers have taken on current interesting and controversial topics. • “New Reform” boxes ask students to critically think about reforms and voice their opinions about proposed reforms. • “Critical Thinking Questions” encourage students to reflect on the content discussed in each chapter and make connections between democratic ideologies/institutions and current political events. Popular models of democracy framework provides a solid thematic foundation and encourages students to think critically about the effects democratic processes have on our present-day society.
“A Closer Look” features examine the struggle between the two models. • Analysis of the United States from anti-federalism to contemporary social movements provides a perspective on current events using the framework of elitist vs. Popular models of democracy. Introduction: The Democratic Debate. The Revolution and the Constitution: Origins of the Democratic Debate.
The Dilemma of American Federalism. The American Political Economy. Public Opinion and Political Culture: Can The People Be Fooled? Democracy and Voting.
Campaigns: Organized Money versus Organized People. Parties: Who Has a Voice? The Media: Who Sets the Political Agenda? Interest Group Politics: Popular Pressure or Elite Bias?
Do It Yourself Vacuum Forming For The Hobbyist Pdf Creator. Mass Movement Politics: The Great Equalizer. Congress: A Vehicle for Popular Democracy? Presidential Leadership and Elite Democracy. Bureaucracy: Myth and Reality.
The Judiciary and the Democratic Debate. Journalist 103 The Left Reporting Live Zip Codes. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.
Economic and Social Policy: The Democratic Connections. Foreign Policy in the National Security State.
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