Shed Well Done My Son Raros
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Shed Well Done My Son Raros

Shed Well Done My Son Raros

Comentado por xSylvane Saw her at The Regrowth in Hyjal ~8:40 server time on Eitrigg. Came from the northern part (right by the name if you're looking at the map) and pathed southeast-ish. She runs pretty quickly, and I lost her before I could get out of combat.

Search Requests / The Last Blood need lyrics. But the son had compassion. That he shed on Calvary and the Father sayes Well Done My Son.

EDIT// I caught up with her and she ran back northwest-ish, close to if not on her original path. EDIT// Adding a screenshot. It also walks a short distance while pathing.

A group of non-hunters killed this instead of letting a hunter tame it; it only drops. Comentado por Ntfarfrmpukn I just tamed this green cat on Kilrogg at 9 pm. It had been running around The Regrowth one-shotting people who tried to kill it.

I quickly abandoned the pet I had and ran in to tame.and On my way back to my body, very nervous now because a lot of people were coming after my new prospective pet, I remembered to take all my gear off. After rezzing, frantically dicarding items to have enough room to take all the gear off, taking off the gear while watching the cat kill three more people I FINALLY got it tamed! It was pretty easy tame after I was nekkid:) Happy Taming! Just get Nekkid! Comentado por Suicune Got the second spawn of this cool kitty today on Azuremyst.

Shed Well Done My Son Raros

Spawned the same time my tame of Magria occurred patch day. Blah blah you know the deal, no armor rating= cakewalk. This tame was a bit nutty, though, as I had just nabbed the first spawn of Skarr when I was alerted that Banthy spawned. Not a second later Ankha spawned and I was running around like a beheaded chicken.

Swapped to BM, STABLES FULL! Haul butt to stable master, grab Ghost Saber, abandon (/salute), haul butt back to the Regrowth where I was being updated on how many poor souls my cat decided to thwack into oblivion. Panic as I realize I was in my gear, bopped armorless macro, and damnit, the cat booked past me and I had to re-mount, tag and tame. Being prepared turned into being not so prepared when under pressure hehe. Finished the ordeal off with watching numbskulls murder Banthy while hunters swarmed like bees to try to tame him. Lots of excitement in that small time frame. Comentado por Nekrotik Loved reading all the stories about who else was around, how long you camped, what time it was on your server, how you got your gear off super quick, what you ate for lunch and whatnot, really fascinating info there, but could ya maybe, uh, throw in a couple coordinates while you're at it?

And to non-hunters: there's absolutely NO reason whatsoever to kill this mob. Even if you don't see a hunter around, one will probably show up in a minute or two. Just move along and leave this guy for the hunters. Comentado por h00l Tamed at 11:05PM server on Emerald dream. Spawned at the 28,51 co-ordinates- rather far back into the trees, more so than one might expect. Warlock tried to grief me with fears and kill him, but was consistently beaten to death by the beastie. Still, the constant fear-and-dying-fest let me get a vague idea of his patrol.

When spawned at 30,51, Ankha patrolled Southeast down the ridge and along the eastern wall of the Regrowth. He alternated between running and walking virtually whenever he fancied, although not at Magria's breakneck speeds. The patrol route took him SE along the east cliffs of the Regrowth until the dailies portal (and his possible spawn there at 41,54), where he appeared to turn around, patrol to his spawn at 36,53, and then move back to the 30,51 spawn to repeat the route. I drew up a crude map of what his patrol looked to be based on what I saw of it.

Granted someone will probably prove this pathing horribly wrong in the coming weeks, but it's a vague idea to help you out. Cannot be trapped, must be armourless to tame. Bringing a core hound for Ancient Hysteria is recommended. The best taming method is probably to use pop AH, Dismiss/Abandon, Deterrence, Tame Beast. He's completely tameable without Det and Hysteria, though- I ended up having to tame him without buff or det, and was only a bit below half heath when the tame finished. NPC ID is 54318, but even without add-ons like _NPCScan and SilverDragon is VERY noticeable against the blacks and greys of the Regrowth. Shares his spawns with his spirit cat 'twin' - which cat spawns appears to be 50/50, as opposed to one being a rare spawn of a rare spawn (a la Time-Lost Proto-Drake).

Good luck out there, folks. Comentado por mmjau You have to have unlocked the Sanctuary of Malorne daily quests to be able to see Ankha/Magria in the regrowth. (This quest does it ) In equipment manager make a 'No gear' set that removes all your gear except bow (So you can tag) and drag it to your bars.

- Press 'Naked macro' - Tag it - Deterrance - Tame Beast Tips: - Magria and Ankha share spawn timer (6-17 hours respawn according to petopia) - NPCID: 54318 Ankha 54319 Magria - Tag it fast with arcane shot/CS if others are around (Read the new hotfix about taunt/Distracting shot immunity) - Reforge all your gear to haste, use haste elixir, potion of speed, haste buff food (I got my tame beast down to 8,x secs) - Tame Beast Macro (Add berserking if u are troll): #showtooltip Tame beast /cast Rapid Fire /use Potion of Speed /Cast Tame beast. Comentado por xPadmaex Server time: 8:33 a.m. Server: Draenor Co'ords: 33,43 *Highlight* I tamed this guy 3-6 hours after someone tamed Magria. I found this baby while on my way flying back to Nordrassil after giving up a quick search for Magria and Deth'tilac. As soon as I got back from the Firelands I decided to dismiss my pet just in case I were to come across Magria. Figuring I'd get naked when I got closer.. Comentado por Bancus I have no idea what's wrong with this pet.

It just will not spawn. I have seen Magria, Magria and some more Magria. I've seen enough Magria's to start an army of Magria's. Yet, I have not seen Ankha. There's been a hunter who got lucky last night and got her. But I have been camping and camping and camping until i was sleep deprived and slowly getting insane only to have Magria spawn.

ALMOST of the mind to just murder each Magria I see. As a hunter I cannot, though. I just want Ankha.:(. Comentado por Natla Kutleki here from Antonidas, just tamed this beauty when the server reset.

I'd been flying around naked all night (after questing like crazy to finish the area so I'd be properly phased) looking for one of the kitties. Was about to head to bed, but decided to give it one more shot and sure enough, as soon as I log in, I see a spirit beast take off running from underneath me. After a nice stumbling journey of aggroing other mobs and having to rez then dismiss my current pet in my mad dash to chase this cat down (quite fast by the way), not to mention standing on a log trying to tame not realizing it wasn't taking because I was causing the cat to evade. Once I finally got on the ground and started the tame, had no problems surviving through it. Had just enough health left after the tame to get hit, and killed, by one of the Fireballs from the local mobs. I'm sure that gave the other hunter (who I hadn't even noticed was on my heels, but, god bless their little troll heart, did not try to break my tame) a nice little laugh. Comentado por Undeadgun If you know what to do, this is a simple tame.

However, this is a warning to all hunters to not make the same mistake that I made. I was flying around waiting for Ankha to spawn, I finaly found him and imediatly hit my no armor button, I was so focused on Ankha I forgot where I was. As I started taming, one of the snake people in the area was also pulled. Without armor the two of them killed me easily. Luckily, I got him on the second try. So be sure nothing ells is around you when you start taming. Comentado por harry850 Tamed her on Emeriss(Alliance) at around 17:30.

She is amazing. There was another horde above it in survival (guessing she didnt have BM spec at that time). I found Ankha at the most westerly point, Just below the Molten Front portal.

I jumped down and and got one shotted from her. Just realised her buff. So dont do what i did. THE MORE ARMOR YOU HAVE, THE HARDER SHE HITS. To make this tame possible you must take all your items off, You will end up with around 40 or 50k hp. Just pop rapid fire and detterence and you will be fine.

I dont know if you even need to because she only took around 10k hp off me. This is quite simply the easiest cataclysm tame.

(SHE IS IMMUNE TO TRAPS OR ANY CROWDCONTROL) Hope you find her you hunters out there! (Hope this has helped!). Comentado por vampirechickk **BIG HINT** The Green Spider (Kirix) and Red Spider (Skitterflame) were spawned (at same time in the Firelands) about 20 mins before I went to tame Ban'Thalos (in Hyjal)! About 1hr - 2 hrs later one of the Tigers spawn. **Confirmed** Just Tamed Second Tiger after seeing Ban'Thalos an 1hr before!

WOW this timer thing really does work! /dances I've followed this 'timer' 2 times already and every time I see them all spawn in that order (both spiders/ then the bird/ then the tigers). ~~~~~~EDIT~~~~~~ It does not have to be the Green and Red spider spawning at the same time. I was taming the purple one and the crab appeared at the same time. After tame I went to test the theory and sure enough OWL spawned and then tiger. So again as long as TWO rares are up in firelands. Then owl will spawn shortly after and then tiger.

Comentado por Caphune Tamed on Darkspear US at 5:04 PM Server. It had spawned the previous day at 11PM server and was killed (by a moron) shortly after. I had not seen either cat nor heard of it spawn again until I saw it once more at 5. So that would be 18 hours. As with every other rare mob I've found, it spawned at the top of the hour.

So my notes would be: - Almost all rare mobs spawn at the top of the hour or 5 minutes before or after there. Don't drive yourself crazy camping all day--check around at those times. - Spawned at 28 52, as noted by a previous comment. - When flying around looking, find a nice spot with no mobs and already have all of your armor items removed so you can catch it before someone else! Lucky hunting everyone! Comentado por meepitco I was doing and I spot this white 'thing' on the ground.

Mousing over it, Silverdragon popped up saying: 'Ankha' I went down, and started to tame. Suddenly I get one shotted because I forgot to take off all my armor.

After rezzing, taking off the armor, and leaving my Shaman friend behind, and started clicking the pop-up frantically. After seeing her name pop up once again, I landed, and started tame. I was happy she wasnt killed, because on my server 1. I had Sambas killed in front of me by a druid 2. Have Seen Banny dead. So, the tame went fine, but because I dont have any armor on, and had ANOTHER mob on me, I died.

Sighted at: (36.8,54.2) Tamed at: (32.6, 52.1) Good luck to all hunters! And just after, I saw Banny being tamed. (also, this is the first time I saw Anhka, so idk if I got realm first, or not). Comentado por paullfall Tamed on Aggramar server at 2:11 PM PDT.

I have no idea when it spawned, just found it on my tracker wandering the Flamewake, yellow dot so easy to see. I died three times trying to tame, not from the cat but from the mobs wandering the Flamewake. There are several spots though where, if you have the ability and patience to wait, your range with Tame Beast is good enough to keep you out of harm's way. Just used equipment manager to shed armor before trying to tame. Only one other Hunter in the area, a Dwarf, who met his demise via Flamewake mob just before I successfully tamed. Saw her just after leaving Malfurion's Breach after dailies.

What total idiot would downgrade this post? This is useful information to someone. Must have been the Dwarf.

Comentado por nashieth A note that may help you out if you're trying to catch this thing without pulling the entire zone in nothing but your underwear: It will nuke you if you wear gear with armor on it. This means you can keep rings, trinkets, necklaces, weapons, etc. Just take off anything with any amount of armor. Making a set in the gear changer is a great idea, too, to be sure you don't miss anything in the heat of the moment. I tamed this one at about 7:15pm on Shattered Hand yesterday. I was camping Ban'thalos when NPCScan went mad. I managed to get in combat, not notice that my gear didn't come off because I was in combat, proceed to get one shot, run back, take my gear off, pop Berserking and a Potion of Speed, and tame to the amazement of a couple other hunters who could only say 'Omg how you not get 1 shot?

If you want these rares, do your research! Comentado por ObbleBobble Just tamed on Wildhammer about 15 minutes ago (21:25 server time) thanks to an incredibly nice mage who shouted in general asking if any hunters wanted this pet. Please PLEASE people, if you are not a hunter and don't know any hunters, advertise beasts like this in general chat. Although it wasn't asked for, it earned the mage in question 500gold and my undying love!

(the pet is even named after her!) Was so excited about another spirit beast (this is my second after ghostcrawler) that i didn't even have time to read about the no armour thing. Got one-shotted until the mage told me about removing my arnour (does her generosity never end?). I wondered if it might have been some kid getting thrills (my hunter is a female char) but thought what the hell.

Only way to go. Took off everything and lost maybe 10k HP and got the tame.

Came just after getting The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost, and Have We Met achievements, so I'm on a roll tonight. What impossible task should i try next;-). Comentado por Elliemae Tamed on Nodrassil at around 7:00 server time (10 AM EST) patting down from the spawn point near the portal. I saw the kitty walking and moved my mouse over it (I was a ways away) and saw it was her so hurried to take off all my armor. I flew over her to begin with and got infront, put down a trap (not needed, but course of habit lol) but she ran past it so proceeded with the tame. I was about 75% done with tame when a Myrimidon started slapping me but was able to tame her and killed it after I was finished.

I did not use any addons to get this pet, I have Skoll, Loq, Gondria, Arcturis, Sambas, and now this pet and have never used an addon. Pretty cat, not the prettiest, I think I want Magria more now. Comentado por Nubbs73 Me being a hunter was very glad to have been able to tame such a beautiful beast.

I had this weird instinct this morning to get up. So when I did I said hmmmm maybe Deth'ilac is up but then again he wasnt so I went to see if Magria/Ankha were up. So I had started to take of my gear and as I was parked above The Regrowth not only did I see a bunch of worthless mobs but sure enough Ankha was directly under me.

I had quickly taken off all of my gear and landed by the time I did, he was out of sight so I mounted back up and saw him again clicked tame. That was that now I sit in Stormwind showing off my glory.:) Good luck and happy hunting to all you hunter's out there! You never know he could be up or couldnt. BTW I had tamed this amazing beast at 8:32 a.m and procceeded to do dailies.:) Hope this comment helps! Edit: I tamed him on the server of Bloodhoof. Comentado por Sunfox Seems like a few people in these comments were having a hard time getting Ankha due to all the Magria spawns.

I saw Ankha spawn twice in a row, first time another hunter tamed her, second time almost exactly 13 hours later I did. So it really is random. I actually wanted Magria so I was hoping she'd copy this pattern others seem to get xD But Ankha is gorgeous and I planned to get her anyways eventually. Camping the spawn point helped a lot, especially since I was on during peak morning times and there were a ton of horde and alliance doing dailies. Most of the hunters looking for her flew back and forth across her path; I was the only one just sitting at the spawn, and sure enough it paid off. She spawned, no one else saw her, and she was away from aggressive mobs so it was an easy tame.

Took off my armor, landed, hit Tame Beast, done. -Sunfox, Human BM Hunter, Deathwing-US. Comentado por wolfdivr I'm a little sad. I came to Mt. Hyjal yesterday around 6:00pm server time to find a hunter had JUST tamed Ankha.

I congratulated that person and am bound and determined to tame her for myself. So when I got home from work today, I parked myself at her spawn point and waited.

Well at about 4:50pm server time, I had to go pick my son up from his dad's house. I come back and low and behold, NPCScan and SilverDragon both went off because Ankha spawned.

So I quickly fly around and someone had already tamed her again. So now here I am, almost 6 hours exactly after that spawn, waiting for her to spawn again. This is the only spirit beast that I don't have yet, so I'm gonna get her! She will be my 23rd rare spawn pet. Realm: Hyjal. Comentado por mbreea It is important to note that you should not name your rare tames after their given NPC name. Many of the newbe hunters on some servers have been doing this with the Cataclysm rares.

This causes so much frustration to other hunters, getting false alarms, and ignoring when the rare has spawned thinking it was just someone elses pet. In the past this was common knowledge not to use your rare pet in the location of its spawn, especially if you have given it the NPC name. It is hard enough to even get a chance at a rare tame. Besides, hunters know what rares they are, and if they do not, the name would mean nothing to them anyway. Comentado por Photog87 Tamed on Akama @ 4:30ish PM server time after Tuesday maintenance (8/9/11).

I am BM specced. She had just finished patting west and turned back around to head east again.

I had seen this pretty girl about 4 days ago in the Regrowth area of Hyjal, but unfortunately, was not prepared to tame her since my 5 pet slots were full. There was a Horde hunter trying to tame her, but he did not know that he had to remove all of his armor before engaging. I flew to a stable keeper and housed a few pets to free up room (flew to the wrong one too. The one all the way back at Nordrassil instead of the closer one at Aessina's shrine!). On my way back, I looked up the taming method and stripped off all of my armor. Got back just in time to see the Horde hunter finally making the tame. I *almost* scatter shotted him to interrupt it, but then remembered if I was in his shoes I'd hate for that to happen.

So, I let him be. What I noticed during my tame today -- She hits for next to no damage if your toon is nakey. My hp didn't even drop by 10% upon tame completion. Although, I do also use a /cast Deterrence /cast Tame Beast macro.

It's not necessary for this, but it helps some. Best of luck! Comentado por wheels010 I saw Ankha close to the portal to Molten Front around 2:10 p.m server time, it was exactly 6 hours later, since I saw Ban'thalos at 8:10 a.m and lucky me, when I found her I was the only hunter around, so she was mine for sure. Took off my armor.(make sure you use the equipment manager it makes life so much easier) then all i did was /cast tame beast /dance. She hits for nearly nothing without armor.and the best part is i decided to sit there for a few minutes then all the hunters came and starting doing /emotes on me lol easiest tame for the rares so far.

Comentado por Fleurdelis I don't know if this has been mentioned yet or not (I may be the only weirdo that does this) - even if you are totally naked (well, as naked as you can get on wow) do NOT pop a potion that passes as any sort of armor or defense. The cat will see it as armor and zap you.

I died twice before I realized that my habit of using a potion was looking like armor to the cat. I don't know about haste, etc., those are probably okay.

The thing is, you don't really need any kind of enhancements because she's an easy tame when you aren't armored up, she didn't seem to be hitting me that hard. Tamed on Thunderlord @ 4 a.m. I had to follow her quite a ways to find a spot reasonably clear of mobs (there are some along her path) and when she was just walking, not running. I finally caught her very near the fire portal at the end of her route (sorry, don't have exact coordinates, but somewhere around 39,54.) I wasn't really looking for her but as I flew over, I moved my cursor over a bunch of mobs and saw her name. I didn't see her at first (she can be hard to spot depending on the terrain and how fast she's moving - flying fairly low helps) and when I did she was moving really fast. Tip: Equipment manager IS YOUR FRIEND!

It's much easier and faster than having to stop and remove everything individually after you spot her. Wasn't sure I was going to like her, although I loved Gondria when I got her (and have all the earlier spirit beasts) and Ankha and Magria are so very similar to Gondria. It's a pity we can't have two or three combat pets out at the same time (yah, I know, such an unfair advantage, but still.), I'd love to have all three running along beside me! Be aware of the opposite faction if you're camping. If they see you camping, many of them will hover in the area waiting for you to start taming just so they can jump you. I've actually been followed in other areas while camping rares.

Don't know what the big deal is but some are fanatics (and mean) about killing 'enemies' in unfair situations, especially in Hyjal. You might want to pick low traffic times to camp if you have a problem with this. Just a thought. Comentado por Fleurdelis Ouch.:-( There are a number of good suggestions in these comments, if you take the time to read through them. I know it feels crummy to spot a rare and then lose it; it's happened to me many times. It happens to just about everybody at some time or other. One of the best suggestions I read here (after I had my own nearly disastrous encounter, of course.

Duh.) was to sit on one of the logs near the spawn point and simply wait. Or, at the other end of her path there is also a log in a clearing that has very few, if any, mobs around it.

That way all you'll have to worry about is getting ganked by the opposite faction while waiting or taming, or getting disconnected right when you're about to succeed.:-D Seriously, camping is sometimes just frustrating (and boring, and frustrating, and boring, and exasperating, and boring.) There are a couple different attitudes about this. One is that camping is useless and most rares are gained by happenstance. The other is that the only way to succeed is find a spot near a spawn point and dig in and wait. I find myself going back and forth between the two. I've gotten rares by sitting and waiting and also gotten many by happenstance - they just happened to be there or spawn as I drifted.

It really helps if the area has something else for you to do while you're waiting for the rare to show up. Gathering, doing a daily, grinding mobs for loot - just something to keep yourself occupied without distracting you too much. Some people can read or watch tv or listen to music or even play something else while waiting. I can't do that but it works for some.

Make sure you have your button to push to get naked (or, if you're brave and want to risk it, sit on your mount naked and hover above the spawn point.) Once I disguised myself as a bush and sat under a tree for an hour. I figured I'd be less visible to gankers, I'd already be naked, and could quickly turn back into my character. I don't recommend this, it was incredibly boring and I couldn't move while disguised, just wasn't a good way for me. I recommend that you pray long and hard to the Gods of WoW, make regular sacrifices of herbs and food smeared with your own blood, cleanse yourself daily in Olivia's Pond, and.wait. That was Evil Twin taking over the keyboard for a minute. Everything gets easier with practice and experience.

Read the comments. Get familiar with spawn points and paths. Be prepared as much as you can before you get there.

And patience, while maybe not a virtue, is still highly recommended. In my somewhat demented universe, desire also plays a part: I think it often depends on how badly you want that rare. The more you want it, the more likely you are to get it because you'll find every possible way it can be done.

Good luck to you. Just keep swimming.:-D. Comentado por Goldenleaf23 Just tamed this beauty on Eldre'thalas server, i dont know coords cause i dont have them. BUT, time of tame was 2:00pm on the money, came in from farming Nuramoc. Started getting a headache so i was gonna check for Ankha and then log.

(not expecting to see it there) And as i fly over from my flight, BAM! Npcscan hits. I freak out and was gonna tame it with my armor on because of how fast things were going. So i drop off my mount strip my armor and go to tame! Here it is for the win.

My Magria starts attacking a nearby fire elemental. /rolls up newspaper and smacks cat. I get it killed, and dismissed Magria, then the moment of truth. I start the tame, another elemental whacking me from behind. /rolls up newspaper again slaps elemental.

Finally the tame is complete, the elemental kills me. Big whoop, i just go the MOST AWESOME PET IN WOW HISTORY! Woot woot Moggii Eldre'thalas server 2:00pm server time tamed:D Yay woot woot Keep your spirits high guys, she's gonna be there one time when u are least expecting it. 8-) *note, This is my last and final rare i needed for the 10 new rares, Got them all now:). Comentado por AertenAine Quickie Details: Location: 37, 54 Time: ~12:15 am Server: Suramar-US Just tamed her at 12:17 am server time on Suramar-US. She spawned at 37, 54 and often spawns there as my guildie has been informing me.

He has been seeing her spawn there at around 9:15-9:20am server time while doing the Firelands/Hyjals dailies but I was never online at the time. She most definitely one shots you if you're geared as my poor guildie found out questing. I'd camped her overnight for many weeks with no luck:( Then by the grace of the WoW Gods some generous soul in SW announced that she had spawned. My guildie went with me as he was nearly in the area, camped out the area while I was getting there, and surprisingly there were no other hunters there.

He guarded me while I stripped down and wham bam thank you ma'am I finally got me my spirit kitty! Was super easy as plenty have stated if you're stripped at the beginning of the tame, lost maybe 1/3 of health during the entire tame.

I was able to keep my rings, trinkets, both weapons, tabard and shirt on as they had no armor value. Comentado por beolyn Hello Hunters, I whas kinda lucky on this one, i saw a pally typing in trade that a white panter spawned in Hyjal. So i flew really quik to the portal and then to the spawn place.

And whisped the pally mean while couse i couldnt belive it really:P. But he/she whas right, there whas Ankha, whas 1 hitting ppl. Whas quite funny to see lol. Some hunters werent BM so they couldnt tame him/her. I whas luckaly a BM hunter and a lover for the pets. So i flew down quike, dismounted took my armor off. And hitted tame, then i had my spirit beast collection complete:D.

This happend on EU Aerie Peak around 17:30. Comentado por Silje84 I had the joy of finding Ankha today at realm time 15.00. Coordinates 27-51:) (Darkmoon Faire, EU) Was actually looking for Magria, but she actually spawned at the same spot 18.00 realm time. A nelf hunter was faster, sadly I just logged in at the spot, Silver dragon kicked in, and was too late. Been very, very lucky since last friday. Tamed 6 Spirit beasts and Terror-turtle:D Ive camped alot tho:) Seems to me that rares spawn every 6-8 hours. Both Gondria and Karoma was up at 10.30 realm time, so tamed them rapidly:) Happy hunting!:D.

Comentado por Frutsels After a week of camping and losing her once, I finally tamed Ankha today at 10.12 AM @ Haomarush! She follows the same path as Magria in The Regrowth in Mount Hyjal. Saw Magria so many times I could create an entire army as stated before in one of the comments. Made sure that I had a 'all naked exept weapons/jewelry' in the Equipment Manager, and made sure I didn't have a pet out for a nice and clean tame! My Spirit Beast collection is now complete. Comentado por Lazurianis HUGE WALL OF TEXT INCOMING: A few days ago I decided to start camping Ankha (sense I found Magria a few times at the same time over and over again) Less than a half hour ago after doing a BG I decided to hop on my hunter to see if any Molten Front rares was up.

I was looking for Ankha first, nothing. I head over to Ban'thalos, nothing. No Rares in Molten Front what so ever. I took a second peek to see yet again, nothing. As I go back outside to start heading back to Stormwind with another failure I took a close look at my map.

A yellow dot. I thought to myself 'Oh great, Magria again?' It was Ankha, I stared at my map in disbelief but looked down to see it was indeed him. I dismounted got in my nude set and begin taming and I forgot to tag him! As my Tame Beast begins to trickle down the meter '5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.' With 20k HP left I had offically tamed Ankha!

I am very pleased I came on my hunter to find out I found my LAST spirit beast. For all of you, do not give up: I will give some helpful hints and facts on Ankha/Magria. The Challenge here is to get naked, 0 Armor, Stats do not count towards this. So you can wear Neckalces, Rings, Trinkets as long as they do not provide armor. Stamina is not effected by the challenge either.

Every armor point YOU have Ankha/Magria gains 1000% Attack Power against YOU. Therefor 1 Armor = 20k Damage + Spirit Claw = 40-70k Damage. DO NOT Reforge into haste, it will not help you in anyway it will only be more of a costly repair bill. Haste Pots work but he only does 2-5k damage to you when your naked so its not a big deal just shoot him and begin taming. As stated above: There was a hotfix on 'Distracting/Taunts' on these challenge tames so do not worry if a tank comes down and tries to steal your tame. It will result in a swift death.

Ankha and Magria share a spawn timer -- they only spawn ONCE a day and its a random choice between one of the two, Magria tends to spawn more than Ankha. 7/10 Days you will see Magria, 3 of those days you will see Ankha. Fun Facts: A Druid's Mark of the Wild or a Paladin's Blessing of Kings count as Armor, therefor if someone is griefing your tame and if you happen to have a Paladin or Druid on hand, just have em cast that one ability and that griefer will drop faster than you can blink. DO NOT GIVE UP: Ankha is well worth the wait and an eye catcher.

GL and happy hunting:) Edit: I was downrated because? Everything here is accurate information. Haters gonna hate. Comentado por mewmewface it hurts my heart that i cant tame him cause i didnt do the hyjal bs quests. On my 5th alt seriously i dont want to do it pst edit ok i rushed questing as fast possible, i didnt even loot the stuff i killed, i did the quests leading up to the part where there is a goat cinematic, went to regrowth, excited tried to tame oops i cant need to be BM hearth to orgrimmar dual spec BM went back thankfully im still the only hunter there, perhaps the leet ones got him already and or inside the molten core doing dailies.whew. Tamed him, i died cause i was wearing armor, took it all off, deleted my tshirt, some gems, deleted tabards. Then i thankfully got him so ok 1) be BM spec 2) finish quests up to goat cinematic 3)make a naked macro 4) go to regrowth, where there are yellow trees, hes there 5) track beasts on ur tracker, remove other tracks, u will see him as a yellow dot not a red dot, as he is neutral and not hostile.

6) use ur naked macro, u need space in ur bags so that ur gear goes to ur bag. One ITEM WITH ARMOR AND THE TIGER WILL ONE SHOT U. Once ur naked, make sure u tame him with no other elementals around, they might one shot you. They will aggro. 7) once ankah hits u its very soft like feathers.that is if hes the only one hitting u.1 or 2 elemental aggroed will mean death, or some random troll killing ankah thinking he drops loot.

Comentado por henselkj89 This post is for Ankha (and Magria) spawns on UNDERMINE realm (US) in September from the 18th to the 24th. The last week I have tried to keep track of either one that spawned and I wanted to share the information I have gathered to try and help anyone looking for Mag or Ank and they are organized by date and I will be sure to specify server time. Comentado por JSusie So I tamed Ankha. Kept on all my gear that did not add any armor (weapons, trinkets, etc).

Brewfest 500 stam trinkets are nice. I had 75k health. Ankha barely took off 20% of my health. There's no need to bother with a bunch of fancy macros, haste pots, whatever. You see her, you tame her. There's very, very little risk of dying if you keep on your gear that does not add to your armor.

Sadly though I had been using Gondria for months, and it took my friends a while to even notice that it wasn't Gondria anymore. Comentado por WoWWoWWoW Got Ankha today with the help of a guildy who spotted him then used guild summon. A while ago, remembered hearing abount one of the new firelands pets where you had to take off all your gear, but wasn't sure this was the one so started to tame him with all my gear one shotted practically, dead in like 1 or 2 hits, lol. Found him again and clicked him seeing his debuff under his icon where it said something like damaged increased by armor. Took off all my gear( except my shirt) regardless of whether it actually had armor to make sure--and tamed him like any other beast the same level, nakid = tamed, armor = dead. The path where he's found on the listed map is right on, he walks all along that path.

Comentado por talbot827 Tamed her on Wyrmrest Accord 10.2.11 at 1:45am pst. /cheer =].This was after I had camped her spawn area for the better part of 2 days (tamed Magria first, but preferred to have Ankha). The last 7 hours were solid camping, naked and shadowmelded, until about 1:30am.

At which point feeling like all hope was lost I joined a pug to kill Grall. After two wipes on Grall I came back to her spawn area to find her waiting for me, finally. In my haste to tame her, as there were now two other hunters in the area and fresh from my fight with Grall, I forgot to remove my armor! I was promptly mauled. O.O I hurried back, took off my armor, tamed her with no problems. On a side note during my time camping, the cats spawned like this: Magria 9.30.11 at 9.35pm pst - I tamed. Ankha 10.1.11 at 12.00pm pst - I had left the area for about 30 minutes and when I returned I watched as another Ally hunter was just finishing taming her.

Ankha 10.2.11 at 1.45am pst So their spawn times were between 13 to 15 hours. Hopefully this will help any hunters out there still trying to tame these kitty-cats. Comentado por simonfix This is a very beautiful pet. I'd like to echo the notion that you can keep rings, trinkets, and necklaces on, as long as they don't grant armor (like the tanking trinket you can buy with Justice Points). My first attempt at taming Ankha was prior to knowing anything other than, 'Whoa cool, ghostly kitty cat!' , and I was one-shot killed. I immediately came here and followed the instructions to take off all my armor.

Worked like a charm. I did pop Deterrence, just in case, but I don't know that it was needed.

Tamed at 1:15AM Server Time on Moon Guard. Comentado por BabyCakes205 I was lucky enough to be in the right place @ the right time today!

Earthern Ring, 4pm ET, tamed this beauty! My husband was lucky I wasn't BM to tame Magria yesterday, so her got her.

I got lucky by just camping at the spawn point today while playing with my daughter most of the day! Good luck to all hunters out there! And yes, I can def. Confirm that ANY armor will make you be one-shotted by either of these! You can have trinkets, rings & a weapon to help w/ Stamina, but She barely put a dent in my health as I stood there neked!:P. Comentado por MitchellM Logged onto my hunter before i went to bed to see if this guy or magria was there. Didn't see anything but an 85 warlock from the other faction jus chilling there and a dead body under him.

I figured sense my npc scan didn't go off, nothing was there and i didn't wanna risk dying. But i went back after the lock flew off cause it felt fishy. Sure enough, ding, npc scanner went off and Ankha was kinda funnily frolicking through the woods with all those spirit deer lol, looked kinda funny. Did my 'naked' set on my equipment manager went down to tame and realized at half health that my pet was out still.felt like such a noob. I shook my new spirit beast rush off and got my head in the game, dismissed my pet and caught that motha!

Ankha Tamed Server: Twisting Nether Time: 12:10 AM (server) 10/31/11 Location: Found this beauty at about 31.0, 50.0 down the path a ways from the firelands daily portal. Comentado por natashav I was on my way to see if Ban'thalos was up and I flew right by her. Dropped down, took off armor, tamed her and went and got Ban'thalos. I was expecting to be aggroed by some of the mobs around her but she managed to run into a spot that was far enough away.

Sadly a few days later I forgot I had the full five on me. Logged on and Terrorpene was up.

I wanted him so badly. So I had to abandon Ankha. Checked a few times since and neither Magria nor Ankha has been up, but I did manage to get Icehorn and Sambas so I wasn't cursed by the WoW gods for abandoning this beauty! Comentado por Doobs Hi Tamed this beauty on sunstrider eu today at 18.03 realm time took off everything but my tabard was doing real well no one else around just as i hit the last of the taming a mob killed me. When in graveyard checked in my pet tab and there she was in her full glory.

Wasnt a hard tame as i had read about the armour on here so ty to all you other hunters out there for the info Forgot to say I've done all mount Hyjal quests and the Firelands ones until you can walk thro the portal didn't complete that 1 just turned around and came straight back out again. Oh and the spirit beast cannot be trapped just thought that may help others. Comentado por cerw Tamed this gorgeous cat several days ago at 8:30 or so server time. Tip for other hunters: you MUST have completed the portal opening quest which starts by Sanctuary of Malorne. You also need to be spec'ed beast mastery, other wise you'll be like me and camp for several days not seeing a thing, and suddenly see on local chat that there is a rare white kitty right underneath you. I frantically searched and didn't see a thing in the whole area, and another player suggested doing the quests by Sanctuary of M.

I gave up getting this particular spawn thinking it would be tamed & long gone by the time I got them all done, but went ahead and hurried through them anyhow. Turns out Ankha was still there when I finished them, so I flew down to him with all my armour off and started taming only to learn in dismay I couldn't tame him. I then realized that I needed to be spec'd Beast Mastery, so blazed back to portal to Stormwind, found hunter trainer and unlearned my survival spec, blazed back to Mount Hyjal after re-spec-ing, Ankha was still there and I fly down to him only to be killed twice by nearby mobs. Third time was the charm.amazingly nobody else showed up and I was able to easily tame him. Comentado por Tenebrus Normally, I don't believe in such things as luck, fate, karma and such superstitions. But if there is such a thing as destiny, then it's telling me to start playing WoW again.

I't's been almost 6 months since I've last played wow (June 30th, according to an add-on) and I've not missed playing it for a moment, though I did enjoy all of the time I've played the game. A week ago I got a 'free-7-days-playtime' mail from blizzard and ignored it until an hour or so ago. I got bored when I couldn't get to sleep, and I thought 'what the heck' and activated the free time. When I logged in, I almost pissed myself cause my NPC scan goes off immediatly (it's been 6 months and I wasn't used to the foghorn alarm anymore.), and I spot Ankha waking right beneath me. I used to be an avid rare pet hunter and I've tamed all 6 Pre-4.2 Spirit Beasts (so Ankha makes 7), plus a bunch of other rare pets, and hunting them all is what I liked to do most of all. Now, my question to you all is the following. Is there really a thing such as fate?

Are there almighty beings which advise or command you to do stuff? Does the Goddess Elune really want me to return to Azeroth to help protect it from the impending doom of furry, athromorphic kung-fu teddy bears? Please answer me, this is a real dilemma for me.. Comentado por Trizzay So this story is bittersweet. I was camping Solix for 3 days, he finally spawned and I kited him like I was supposed to.

Unfortunately I waited too long to tame him so his energy ran out when I had ONE click left on the tame:( Pissed, I left the Molten Front and seconds later NPC-Scan detected Ankha! Thinking it was some other hunter's pet, I flew to his spawn zone and sure enough he was there. I quickly set down, dismissed my pet, then this crazy sh#t happened: 1) I clicked on 'Birthday Outfit' on Outfitter and I only had 2 empty bag slots!

2) I quickly cast Jeeves to sell my junk and ore to make room. 3) I undress and then suddenly get attacked by one of the elementals. 4) I feign death, but accidentally clicked twice, so the elemental is immediately on me again then BAM. 5) I res, head back, and as my luck would have it, another hunter is TAMING ANKHA!

6) Luckily he was an idiot and still had his gear on so he dies. 7) I cast Rapid Fire and start taming Ankha and boom - got him. Again, I really wanted Solix but this was a nice consellation prize. I got Gondria long ago and there really isn't much of a difference, in fact I still prefer Gondria's purple hue. But hey, I'm not complaining.

Comentado por crystalheals I have a problem. NPCscan went off for me about 20 minutes ago, saying it found Ankha. I have already done every quest in Mount Hyjal, and also opened up the Firelands daily quests, and have been doing them all week.

However, the SECOND NPCscan went off, I flew straight to the spawn area and flew around for the last 20 minutes, not seeing her anywhere. I know I got there fast, if another hunter would have been taming her already I should have been there fast enough to know it. This is the second time NPCscan has gone off for a spirit beast here (the first one being Magria last week) and the second time that I searched and saw no sign of it. I should be phased in to see them, so what's going wrong? Is NPCscan going off because some other hunter already has it, because I thought it wasnt supposed to do that. I really want the spirit beasts. Anyone have any ideas here?

Edit: Not 10 minutes after posting this, NPCscan goes off again for Magria. ='( I dont see her here at all either. I know this is just a game, but this is so frustrating I almost want to cry. Comentado por Enrodd I started this morning at 4:30 am central time. I tamed Magria at 5:15 server time and was doing fireland quests later in the day.

At about 6:00 I was heading to the portal and just thought I would do a fly by and was shocked to see Ankha. Panic set in! She was in a large group but I dismounted and hit my gear macro. The mob was beating on me as the tame went on. I got her tamed and died like 5 sec later. I did what I thought was imposible and got both in same day. Comentado por corum1337 I have been looking for this pet for what feels like months.

I have used Google, and searched on here as best I could and just thought I would ask and hope not to get down voted. Have verified that I've completed the prerequisite quests (I have the spirit owl tamed) but I just can't believe people are killing or taming this mob faster than I am logging to camp him.

The pictures I am seeing however, is what makes me wonder: It is shown as 'The Flamewake' but on my map it is 'The Regrowth'. Am I out of phase to even be able to see this mob? I swear I have looked like crazy for answers to this and have found nothing to help (I'll be posting this in Magria's thread also). Comentado por Kirsaarn Had seen 6 Magria's before I got Ankha on my hunter, each successfully tamed by a hunter. Happened across Ankha again on an alt. '/who hunter 85' trying to find a potential home for her.

An ally warrior came along and tried to kill her. Got one shot.

I whispered him, told him it was a hunter pet, and doesn't drop any rare loot, just vendor trash. Hunter's don't own it' was the response. He made another failed attempt with half his gear off, then finally, a successful one.

25g reward, though I'm sure his repair bill surpassed it, which made the whole thing an exercise in asshattery. A couple of disappointed hunters soon arrived to see the corpse of their intended tame.

If you're not a hunter, and are fully aware they don't drop rare loots, then leave them alone! Comentado por BubbRubb23 Just tamed her on Lothar.

I just got naked, gave her a concussive shot, and started to tame her. She got me down to like 54% health before the tame was over though. She was right where she should be in the regrowth area. I never see Magria over here though.

And yes, it is true you need to open up the Molten Front dailies before you can see any of the rare NPC's in Hyjal. Yesterday, another player said she was up. I flew over, and he was like I'm standing next to her.

I was like ahhhhh. Then he asked if I had opened up and done the Molton Front dailies at all.

So, after I did them I could FINALLY see them. If you need to open them start with the Guardian's of Hyjal quest that can be started from the board in SW. If you need help with that quest as I know a lot of people were having problems completing it.I have a post over in that quests' comments explaining how to complete it.:-). Comentado por Calhoun Doing my usual route for this guy and my npc scan goes off! My heart skips a few beats but then i see him another hunter.

I figure i've lost the tame so i sit back to watch him slip away. Strange thing the other hunter doesnt dismount or disrobe he just follows along not taming. So i ask him if he wants the tame, he says no O.O he already had it.

So i dismount get naked and tame. This was the last spirit beast i needed for 9/9 and it was all thanks to kind hearted hunter nmaed Balica of Dath'Remar. I have done similar things for my hunter brethren and helped a few on the trickier challenge tames. I'd like to think this was karma giving me an in game nod. Comentado por violetfemme Ankha literally walks along the path on the map above and I tried several times to tame her today. Three times I was interrupted by a horde warlock or priest (didn't pay much attention except to their dots on me) Once I was interrupted by mobs in the regrowth.

Then I never actually read the comments about removing armor and being immune to cc so the next two times I tried today, she one-shotted me. Then I finally came back to wowhead and learned to remove armor. I took off all except my weapons, found her again using NPCscan and tamed her immediately on my next try! Aegwynn, around 1-2pm server time.

All the while Ban'thalos was also spawned. I had been trying for Ban'thalos and kept dying which is the only reason I thought to look for the other spirit beasts in Mt Hyjal. BTW, I did get Ban'thalos after getting Ankha! Comentado por Jeschaal Was on my druid in sw, had trade off because people were linking legendaries, and a guy posts in general chat that Ankha spawned. I immediately switched to my hunter and got on petopia and wowhead, and headed off to Mt Hyjal. I didn't think i would make it in time, but apparently there aren't many hunters on at night! Got one shotted when i didn't believe the armour thing, but quickly rushed back and stripped down leaving my rings, trinkets, and weapons and tamed with more than half my health left over.:D thank you, mystery person, for announcing in general chat!

Comentado por sassy619 Have spent all day looking for Karoma, helping other get Sambas and Ghostcrawler, decided to try for Terrorpene, get to Hyjal and a priest calls out in chat for a hunter to tame a rare tiger.I answer the over there.remember Hyjal tigers hit harder with armor, so i get naked, have the priest on standby just in case. Tamed easy as. Priest wouldn't even accept any gold for the help.I will be eternally grateful to him. Comentado por Rhaennon I had been trying for a day or so to find this kitty, and I started to get the feeling that something was wrong.

It turns out that although I had completed Aessina's Miracle, which is the quest that everyone on here says unlocks the regrowth area, there are still a couple more quests to complete before any mobs will appear in this area. Snap On Solus Pro Software Update here. Fellow hunters take note, you must also complete just a couple of the Sanctuary of Malorne quests to be able to see Ankha, Magria or Ban'thalos As soon as I unlocked the area I stumbled upon Ban'thalos, tamed him and figured I'd try for a kitty too. As luck would have it, Ankha was running around and I was able to tame him too. Two spirit beasts in one day:). Comentado por KarynahJade Tamed 4-23-12 11:50AM Doomhammer After 5 Magria spawns (and subsequently helping other hunters), Ankha finally graced me with her presence this morning.

I have been camping the spawn point of these two cats since I found Magria the first time 5 days ago. I finally got Ankha today when I logged on and checked the path just in case I had missed the spawn. It's a good thing I checked because Ankha was all the way at the other end of the path from me. Once I found her it was a very easy tame, just make sure you are in your birthday suit! Comentado por Erosong someone made the comment that taking off all gear will only make it more difficult to tame sorry but i have to call bs on that. Cause i tamed one and had no gear at all on.

No trinkets no rings no nothing and it as so easy. So idk what they were doing wrong to have made it difficult to tame. Now skarr is another story! Im still looking for Ankha.

But the other one was so easy to tame. Got it 1st try. U might not have to take off rings and trinkets or weapons but i find its better to be safe than sorry! Comentado por Shadowsaken To any hunter's out there looking to tame both Ankha and Magria. To tame both, the other one MUST be in the stable or when you tame the other SB the one you had originally will disappear, Say you tamed Ankha two days earlier, have her on your 'Call Pet 2', and find Magria and proceed to tame her, when you tame Mag, your Ankha will disappear and Mag will take her place, leaving you to camp for Ankha again. And vice versa if you tamed Mag earlier and found and tamed Ahnk. To avoid losing your SB put either Ahnk or Mag in the stables before attempting to tame the other one.

Personal Experience. Still camping for another Ankha, four days later.

Comentado por sageburner Tamed him/her on Cenarion Circle on Monday, 6/4/12 at 12:11 pm server time. YOU MUST BE NAKED TO TAME OR YOU WILL BE ONE-SHOTTED.

I literally stumbled upon her while doing some farming on my rogue. Immediately switched over to my hunter, flew like hell to the portal from Org and through Hyjal, abandoned a pet I can get again, abandoned an extra pet I can get again, got the 'Creature not tameable' message, realized I wasn't in BM speck, switched, got one shotted several times, came here, read up on her, got naked, and finally tamed her. Didn't need to concussive shot her or anything.

I got massively lucky not to have her stolen out from under me. There was NOBODY in Hyjal at that time so I got through all my stupid nooby mistakes and was able to get her.:P Yeah, I'll reiterate: YOU MUST BE NAKED TO TAME OR YOU WILL BE ONE-SHOTTED. Comentado por Skornaq So, being a fresh dinged 85 and in possession of all the other Spirit Beasts below the 85 threshold, I wanted to go for these kitties, and possibly Ghostcrawler some time in the future.

I sit around in the Regrowth for about 11 hours and he spawns in the westernmost spawn point. NPCscan goes off. I begin the tame. Then this dwarf warrior lands as I am midtame, and smacks Ankha.

I then had a slight laughing fit as he smacked his bearded-midget's ass into the floor. I do a /who Hyjal. It was 4 in the morning so there was no one really about and so!

I do not resume the tame, I merely.Watch. Watch as the dwarf again charges Ankha and ends up as a stain on the floor. Each time he dies, I grace him with a /lol. Eventually he gave up after four tries, so I resumed the tame butt-naked except my jewellery and weaponry. Then about ten minutes later, turns out the dwarf has made a Horde alt and come to QQ at me. 'Omg wat did u do to that mob? Ive made a ticket to get you banned.'

A perfect day. Comentado por Shadowsaken For all my fellow hunters on Area-52 server. June 6st - Ankha spawned at 8:36am - Tamed by me June 7th - Neither cat was spawned this day, sadly. June 8th - Ankha spawned 2:38am and Magria at 10:28pm - Helped an Undead hunter tame Ankha and I later tamed Mag. June 9th - Magria spawned at 4:49am - Helped a Belf hunter tame her June 10th - Ankha spawned at 2:56am - Tamed again by me, after she was unknowingly was replaced in my call pet by Magria. Hope this helps you in your adventures of taming these beautiful beasts (. Comentado por chronicawkward Tamed Ankha today at 09:38:41 server time, coordinates 35.52, 54.70 (Argent Dawn EU) after camping for eight hours straight the night before to no avail.

Despite a high population server, I had *no* competition, not during the camp and not now either; I logged in within range at the yellow tree spawn point, NPCScan went off immediately, but Ankha was out of range within a nanosecond so I had to strip my huntress and run after him, almost getting killed by Charred Flamewalkers and Brimstone Destroyers in the process so be careful about that and don't just run in like a headless chicken like I did! Comentado por cadred thanks to everyone. Just got my baby at about 10:00 mountain time. Didn't read that you had to take off your armor. So thanks a million for that.

The route shown is accurate. Tried taming her three times: 1) 1-shot with armor on; 2) tried to get smart and laid down a trap. DO NOT lay down a trap.:) 3: got nekked and voila; I started taming her and just stood still. She took me down about 1/4th to a third in health, so you don't die.

Just don't be a stupid head like me. Get nekked and just enjoy the feeling.:) Again. Much appreciation to you all for your help in getting this done.

Comentado por Pops715 Just tamed Ankha on Borean Tundra, about 11:55am server time. I was lucky and only had to camp a couple of days.

And even though I'm using NPC Scan and NPC Scan Overlay, another hunter clued me in that he had spawned before my alarm even went off. He's the last spirit beast I needed to complete my collection.a nice Father's Day present! Fyi, you don't have to get completely naked, unless of course you want to.

Items you can keep on and still complete the tame are: shirt, guild tabard, weapons, jewelry and trinkets. (Just keep an eye on your armor rating as you remove your clothing. When it gets to 'Armor - 0', you're good to go!). Comentado por Krystique This has been one of the longest camps I've ever done on a creature, only tied with Naraxxis and Rak'shiri pre-Cata and Krush (for very obvious reasons).

From what I have gathered, it is completely random which kitty will spawn. I've seen Magria 8 times before Ankha, but had someone who was camping for Magria tell me that Ankha had spawned when I wasn't on. On Moon Guard the past few spawns (going from most recent back) have been Ankha, Magria, Ankha, Ankha, Magria, Magria, Magria.

Those I can comfirm from seeing and hearing from a hunter that I was working with to tame them. Spawned at approximately 5:50 on Moon Guard. Been camping this time about two hours, after seeing Magria tamed at 10PM (got up at four AM after initial 'six hours minimum spawn time' thing). Very happy, and now to wait until MoP for more rares.

Good luck hunting! Rezyaroua Tauren Hunter, Moon Guard.

Comentado por ElliotHunts Aman'Thul server camping Journal (all times shown are realm times) 7:30 pm Ankha spawned. Tamed by alliance hunter (6 hour gap) 1:30 am Ankha spawned. Tamed by horde hunter I go to sleep and come back 6 hours later to resume camping 3:29 pm Magria spawned. (6 hour min respawn timer) 9:29 pm I resume camping. Checking each time:30 mins comes around To pass the time I level an alt after checking at each:30 mins past the hour. 2:30 am Ankha spawned. Finally managed to tame it:) Tip: for me, Anhka/Magria always spawned on the exact hour marker within the 6-17 hour respawn period.

If you saw either cat tamed at:45 mins past the hour then it'd most likely respawn at:45 mins past the hour after 6-17 hours had passed. Tip: once you see Ankha/Magria tamed just come back in 6 hours exactly (or perhaps slightly earlier). If it's not there then keep checking back each subsequent hour - this worked remarkably well for me to accurately predict when it would spawn. Tip: my camping spot was at 27,51 as many posters have said is the spawn location.

Near the yellow tree. Tip: be at the spawn point half an hour before the expected spawn time.

I missed the tame by 2 mins to another hunter due to miscalculating the time. Tip: ask in general when was the last time Ankha or Magria spawned for an approximate idea of when to camp. Comentado por Dedkah I highly recommend farming for Ankha and Magria if you have not gotten them already. I'm on Area 52. With everyone in a craze for MoP I have successfully gotten both within a day or two of each of each other, AND got Magria for my fiance:) just been popping on and checking before and after questing every couple of hours.

The timer is Definitely between 15 and 18 hours. Magria was tamed at 4am yesterday before bed, and then got my fiance Magria at 12 midnight later in the evening, and then today picked up Ankha at 10pm (ten minutes ago). There was no one around each time. Comentado por kaiden2554 Ankha tamed on Burning Blade at 12:25PM on October 25th.

I was doing my usual run and found nothing in Northrend, or Hyjal. So I decide to go camp the yellow trees for a bit after I spawn, as well as check Magria's page as I only have 7 minutes left. I spawn and my _NPCScan flips its &*!@, and I run in with all my armour and get one hit. Luckily, no one was around and I was able to run back, take all my armour off using Outfitter and was able to successfully tame it.

Magria and Ankha spawn at the two yellow trees down the hill from the Firelands portal. You also must be in the regrowth phase. You can tell you're in the correct phase if you see Spirits of Malorne and the firelands portal. Comentado por Areowyn Jesus, talk about an adrenaline rush. So I just tamed Karoma and headed to Hyjal to see if any others were up. Woo, there's Ankha.

So I try and tame without reading how to tame her. She kills me. Then kills me again.

Then I start to read the comments here. So I'm trying to strip naked on my 3rd attempt hoping no one is looking for her also. Then after I'm naked I'm trying to avoid all the hostile guys, then I get stuck in some weird tree thing and manage jump my way out. Then it says I have too many pets so I have to abandon the wolf I've had since lvl 23.:( So I'm running around naked trying to catch up with her and manage to finally get her tamed! That was a rush.

Comentado por Cissy44 I would just like to say that my faith in 'good' players has been restored. I am on Suramar in Mount Hyjal. At 3:15 local time I was looking for Magria (naked as I could be) up top by the gate and Ankha spawns, and I'm chasing her, have a pet up, running down the hill, target her and another Hunter, mounted, is staying with me.

Oh crap, my pet attacks her, hurry dismiss him. Hit my tame button and I'm thinking I am going to die and all of a sudden she is mine. Yea, do a happy dance, then look at other player and he has Magria and was looking for Ankha. He showed me his other rare pets and we were going to go for lava spiders. I took wrong gate and went into hatchery, fell off ledge, already did the daily so I couldn't use the mounts to get back up top so I had to gate back to Stormwind and lost my Draenor friend. But awhile back while trying to tame Loque' another player (not a hunter) got between me and Loque' and shot and killed him.

I was very jaded after that, especially because it took another 3 weeks to find him again and tame him. So now my faith has been restored and I again believe that we are all playing the same game and other players are good people and usually will do what they can to help others. Thanks my friend, in case you should ever see this. Comentado por MstrWayne Tamed on Undermine at 5:15 am on 1/1/2013. I flew over the area it patrols, and there it was. I pulled off my all my gear, landed in a free area and started taming her.

Two of the flaming beasts attacked me and had me down to half health by the time the tame finished. As soon as the taming had finished Ankha turned and attacked one of the flaming beasts, so no problem killing them off. THe day before at the same Time I tamed the Owl Banthalos, and when I checked for Ankha there was Magria. I had already tamed Magria the day before that on Sunday. Comentado por Eliee Just tamed her at 20:00 on the 26th Jan 2013. Was flying around looking for herbs on my Druid and spotted her, advertised for about 10 minutes for a Hunter and no one came.

I really wanted Magria, and was going to ignore her since I don't play BM that much, but another Hunter came down and, I'm not sure whether he attacked her or tried to tame but he was killed instantly and I was unable to whisper him, possibly due to CRZ. I then logged my own Hunter and went to Hyjal. Along the way I took off my armour and saw an Orc Hunter. I assumed she'd been tamed but flew along the path anyways to check. The Hunter from before was waiting on his mount and I saw the /1 chat explode as people started saying she was up.

I landed behind her and hit tame, it was about half done when the Hunter dropped down and SHOT her. I was pi**ed! Luckily she killed him in about 2 hits and I hit tame again as she came for me.

Just my luck an add came along and joined the battle. If I was interuppted again I'd die. But thankfully the tame went off and she started attacking the add, she was killed as I had no weapon and could only feign death. As I put my stuff back on and revived her I told chat she'd been tamed. Some people were upset.

But what got me, was the Hunter who'd shot her then chimed in saying 'yw'! As if he'd helped me!

Then he landed beside me and pulled out his own Ankha AND Magria! I called him out on trying to kill her and he said, get his, 'I thought I was helping you' how does a Hunter go 90 (yes he was 90, I was 86) levels without knowing an attack cancels a tame? He then also claimed that he didn't take his armour off to tame the cats.

I am convinced this guy was an Ebayer. There is no way he tamed those cats without taking his armour off. Especially since he, apparently, twice twice to kill her and both times died in 2 hits. Whatever, I got her. I'll probably never use her as I prefer Loque; at least until I find the blue one. Rival Deep Fryer Manual V080005123. Hunters beware for people out there who claim to be 'helping' they usually never are. Comentado por EmberisolteSwE Did tame this good looking pet today, @Ragnaros 05:10 ST.

After alot of fails on Kirix. Think i did try to tame that green spinder, more then 30 times. Many turn backs to this website + youtube. After 30 times, i did need to go back to SW, cuz my 3 bows was broke. So did a quick break, and then out to Hyjal again. Fly as always over the line /spots where Ankha spawn, and what happend, Npc_scan goes crazy. Good that the macro was done along time ago.

The best part is, i tame him, go 2 steps forward to enter the portal, Npc_scan goes off, Ban'tahols is up. Start /w all hunters i did find. After that, i did fail some more on Kirix, Go out to Vanshir. And that did i find there? Yes, Ghostcrawler:) Many good look Spirit beast out there this night, still no luck on Loqu:( /cry.

Comentado por Brecc I think I have some really good info for anyone looking for Ankha. I don't know if things have 'officially' changed with Ankha's and Magria's spawn rotations, but with my first hunter, Magria was the one that spawned the least, and Ankha spawned all the time. Now, with this new hunter I have, who is a different faction and server, it's opposite! I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I thought I would mention it. On my quest to find the sisters, I tamed Magria right away. I thought I was super lucky, and that taming Ankha would be a piece of cake! Anyways, today when I hopped onto my toon, I checked to see if Ankha was up, but as usual Magria was running along the pathway, as I had seen her do about 7 times already.

I got her a home right away, and making a note of the time, 4:08pm server time, I decided to come back 6 hours later. Being me, I am always early to a spot to make sure I get it before someone else.

I sat down and waited, and at 10:08, got ready to get serious on my attention span, lol. I tend to get distracted easily, but oh well. 11:08 comes and goes, and I wonder how much longer I can hold my need for the bathroom.? I tutor my fiancee really quick on what to do if she spawns and I run to the restroom real quick, praying I get to tame her myself. Anyways, to make a long story short, Ankha finally spawned for me at exactly 11:33pm server time, so after finding Magria it was exactly 7 hours and 25 minutes between spawns.

I hope this bit of information helps everyone looking, and alwasy remember, Don't stress over a pet too much. You will find them, eventually. Some pets are easily found, and some take a long time. But they are always worth the wait, because they are super pets to have. Miyung, lvl 90 Alliance Pandaren Hunter, Cenarius. Comentado por kls7300 2/21/2013 4:10 pm server time on Quel'dorie. Cords 39,55 Just finished eating supper and noticed I got kicked to the login screen, well crap.

So I logged in and no sooner than my screen loaded and the NPCScanner alarm went off. He was heading away from me on his path towards the west end where the portal to the Fireland is. I was sure I was not going to get him but lucky for me no one was around. Also lucky me I had dismissed my pet and was already naked, so when I logged back in all I had to do was tame. Hope this helps someone Happy Hunting.

Comentado por mychatposts I was waiting around for Magria when my _NPCscan goes off. I'd been camping Magria forever (Unfortunately, I didn't know about the phase thing and I had leveled to 90 without doing Firelands. So chalk off a couple of days camping in the Flamewake phase, doh!). Anyway, so I spent a half a day getting caught up with the Hyjal quests up to ' which put me into the right phase.

The next day, I camped 27,51 for more hours and when my scanner went off, I thought it was Magria. I went to land and dismount and started to tame. But the cat had already started walking so I had to catch up with it. And you can't tame while moving. So I get right on the cat and start taming when I get a warning 'You have too many pets already.'

I check my pet roster, and there, in the fifth slot, with my 4 other spirit beasts (Loque'nahak, Gondria, Skoll and Arcturis -- all I've been doing is hunting spirit beasts) is a friggin BOAR! What the heck?

Oh, now I get it. My seven year old son has been playing my toon! He must have tamed it last night when I left the game open to go make dinner. Or he did something, like go to the stable master at the shrine of Avianna and equip it. So, I try to summon the boar to abandon it and not one but two brimstone destroyers start attacking me. Then I click on the cat and the name is Ankha. What's going on?

Where's Magria? Then Ankha starts attacking the brimstone destroyers, I try to fight off the destroyers but I have no weapon! SOMEONE who shall remain nameless decided to unequip my weapon, which I intentionally kept on me even if I was naked just in case a mob attacked me. I try to equip my weapon but I can't get my bag open. So, I get killed. I rez and do the walk of shame back and Ankha is gone.

I have to go through the whole process of summoning the friggin boar and abandoning him. Now, I find Ankha again, and just as I do, he despawns! Then a brimstone destroyer starts to attack me.

I forgot to equip my weapon. I try to open my bag but again I can't open it. The destroyer goes away. I try to open my bag but there's a glitch.

It won't open! Wait wait wait.

I look around. I jump on my mount and start scouring around. There's ankha!

With one last dieing effort I land, hit tame and boom! Emerald Dream, 1:30pm server after maintenance day, 36,53 • Make sure you're in the right phase before wasting countless hours camping.

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I’m very concerned about the social issues that come up in elections, particularly the debates that go on about women’s health and reproductive rights. Politics, if you get involved beyond just voting, absolutely force you to stand up for your own beliefs and defend them – which can involve a lot of courage, when speaking with people who think you’re something of a monster because of your stance. There’s also some wisdom in knowing when to let the conversation slide, because some debates with some people just aren’t worth it. Mimsy: I saw the same interview and had similar thoughts. I think there’s something there, but I don’t think we should think too much of it. I mean they kept asking him leading questions about Lebron. What was he going to say?

“Hey enough about Lebron; you got a question about me or the team?”It’s an interesting psychodynamic. I’m sure his teammates are happy to be riding his coattail, but there’s got to be some resentment too. We’ll never hear about it, not as long as things are going well anyway. And by all accounts, Lebron is a good teammate. What I assert to you is the price of college education has risen, but the advantages of those varsity degrees has reduced so that the scholars may never pay back those loans. It appears as if whenever we look out for the government to assist in the creation of roles for north Americans, which I think to be the wrong way to play it, the central government always announces that we want to retrain our work-force, and offer more courses at community varsities and schools to prepare folks for the new roles as our economy changes.

At face value — meanwhile, re-write the history of western learning to claim that it all depended on the Muslims. I was so incensed by the omissions, bias and outright lies that I immediately posted, both on the programme website and in a complaint email to Channel 4. Given that so many people regard TV as a source of knowledge these days, I couldn't quite believe how blindly irresponsible a broadcaster could be in allowing this dangerous drivel to be aired. Just thought you'd like to know in case you have a chance to see the latest ideological assault on western history disguised as popular history. Thanks, yet again, Mouth but It seems evident to me that the ”humour element”, or call it ”wit”, that is such a key element in most of the GU articles, and that many of you guys also utilize so well, is clearly lacking from my written stuff given my limitations with the language. Re supporting Everton so far away, dont think I havent actually thought about this as a posible subject for a future article. Only drawback would be, as you may well have guessed, the high degree of frustration that would emanate from that textOne has to be careful with so many Liverpool fans around •.

This is so disappointing. People, where are your priorities? On a night when you can watch a National League championship game between the Phillies and the Dodgers which could decide who goes to the World Series, you are planning to tune in to a deabte between Obama and McCain?

Can you possible be serious? Somehow I had the impression that you were all sane but just a little weird, now I don’t know. Both candidates have taken firm stands against torture, why do you insist on subjecting yourselves to this? Just about all of whatever you articulate happens to be astonishingly legitimate and it makes me wonder the reason why I had not looked at this with this light previously. This particular piece really did switch the light on for me as far as this particular subject goes. Nevertheless at this time there is actually one particular issue I am not necessarily too comfortable with so whilst I attempt to reconcile that with the actual core theme of the position, let me observe just what the rest of your subscribers have to say.Very well done.

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